Monday 25 May 2009

Procrastination Station

Yesterday was quite cool. I spent much of it outside, mowing the lawn and helping clean up after my father. He decided that he would chop down a tree and realised that tidying up afterwards would be a larger task than he predicted. Admittedly, he did cook dinner, so I'll let him off.

I really want to start a new blog, which focuses on Global issues etc. However, I have yet to think of a name, and I won't start it without a good one. So ideas are welcome.

I need to tidy my room, but I CANNOT BE BOTHERED. If you happen to have contact details for Mary Poppins, the Fairy Godmother or any other such person (or mythological being), please inform me. I expect there's a waiting list though.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I get the feeling people only have children in order to have someone to clean up after their mess.
