Thursday, 24 December 2009
and I have shared it with the world. Needless to say, 2009 was quite a busy year. In 2009, a total 126 comments have been written on blog (I counted them, oh yes) as I shared my bin-day dramas with you all. For this I thank you. Perhaps you are thinking, "he's done it, he's written 103 posts. Surely he'll give up. Please, let it be so."
Oh no my friend, oh no. You can't escape my inane drivel that easily (actually, it's a lot simpler than you think. Just don't read it). But I'm going to set myself some more targets. I have a few ideas up my sleaves (as well as flour, I've just been making pastry for mince pies), which shall be announced first thing on 1st January 2010. Forget counting down and singing Auld Laug Syne, you will be hovering over your computers to see what I have in store for 2010. Yeh, I bet.
Merry Christmas, folks.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
O Christmas Tree
It's also better for the environment because after we've finished with it (assuming it doesn't die), it'll just go back where it came from and we'll dig it up again next year.
As quaint and nice as it sounds, it was a bit of an effort to get it there. First of all was the digging it up. This involved, digging, pulling and sawing. Then there was the potting of it. We went to the garden centre, bought a pot and came back to find the pot was too small. So we dashed back to the garden centre and bought another one. Unfortunately, that means there was an unnecessary amount of carbon emission in those trips to the garden centre. We also bought a bag of compost, which had frozen into tombstone. But after a lot of decorating and subsequent cleaning we now have a pretty Christmas Tree.
Friday, 18 December 2009
Conversations with my blog...
Blog: All by myse-e-elf. Don't wanna be, all by myseeeeeelf, anymoooooore.
Me: Hello, blog.
Blog: Oh, look what the cat dragged in.
Me: Someone's in a mood.
Blog: Really, I wonder why that would be. Perhaps because I've not heard hide or hair of you for months.
Me: One month. Don't exaggerate.
Blog: One month, fifteen days.
Me: You've been counting?
Blog: Well, I've had nothing better to do. The only company I've had is A.L.I.C.E. and she's plain odd.
Me: Oh.
Blog: Well, what you been up to? NaNoWriMo?
Me: No, I gave up in the second week.
Blog: Sounds familiar.
Me: What do you mean?
Blog: Well, it's obvious you have commitment issues.
Okay, you get the picture. Reading back, it sounds like something out of really bad American 1980s day time television. I think it works best if you give my blog a New York-Jewish accent.
In other news
It is the Christmas Holidays! I have survived my first full half-term at Totton College, as well as my first staff Christmas Meal. Lots of wine was consumed, a lot of crackers pulled, a lot of inappropriate comments made. At the moment I have SSB (Seasonal Silly Brain), which is characterised by a loss in processing skills and fine and gross motor skills, weight gain and lethargy, but also a warm fuzzy feeling. That sounds a bit like I'm drunk. I never blog drunk ("Well, that explains a lot!" my blog exclaims).
Have a Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
However, today I've made a lot of progress. I hope to go to bed at midnight, so I'm going to get a hot chocolate, and hopefully write another 1000 words. If I keep up at this rate, I'll soon be back on track. Sorry if I've made mistakes, NaNoWriMo doesn't allow for editting, and moreover, my eyes are actually aching.
Word count today: 2055 (in just over an hour!)
Word count so far: 2055
How many words I'm behind by: 2946
Sunday, 1 November 2009
It has begun
It has to be said, though, it is pure drivel. It is a good job that it isn't NobPriWinBoWriMo (which is obviously Nobel Prize Winning Book Writing Month) because I would so be on the fail now.
One brilliant resource, for those NaNoWriMoers out there is Write or Die. What you do is set how many words you want to write, let's say 500 in 15 minutes, and then type until you've reached this point. If you stop typing for any length of time bad things happen to you and your family. Well, no, the screen goes red and if you have it on Kamikaze mode, your work will disappear.
So this is it.
Written today: 1696
Written so far: 1696
Monday, 26 October 2009
This little piggy went to the New Forest...
Now, I had to recross the torrent. Okay, it's hardly that, I admit. So I found a place where there was a bank of shingle. I threw my bag across and then realised, that it was actually quite a jump. Like six feet. So I decided to wade in. I took my shoes and socks off and rolled up my jeans. I was about to slip delicately into the water when my trainer rolled off the bank and into the water. So what was to be a graceful slide became a bit of a scramble down into the stream.
After all that and no decent photos. Well, I did see two piggies afterwards. It was getting a bit dark so they weren't that good either. I'm sorry to disappoint but I don't know what breed they are. Perhaps a British Lop.
I've also created my NaNoWriMo kit. It has 30 gel pens, 1200 post-it notes, a bouncy ball, a bag of skittles, a bag of lollipops, notepad, modelling clay, a muesli bar, a rubber, pencils, a pencil sharpener, mini crayons, a pair of headphones, ProPlus and Anadin Extra.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
New Forest
Pannage, for those not in the know, is when pigs are allowed out on the forest to eat acorns, that are poisonous to horse and cattle. Pannage pork is a delicacy, and is darker than normal pork, sometimes nearly black. Today on a walk my mum and I saw a Tamworth, a couple of Gloucester Old Spots, Saddlebacks and possibly a Large White. There is one Saddleback that goes around with her litter of about 8 or 9. They are really cute, although the mum has a bit of a temper.
We've also been forest foraging. We've picked crab apples to make crab apple jelly (it was on that adventure when mummy pig showed her temper, or she just wanted my apples). We've also picked some rosehips for apple and rosehip jelly. I have to say, the crab apple jelly was delicious, the rosehip one was a bit too sweet.
I think I need to go out with my camera and take some photos. I'm thinking of volunteering for the Forestry Commission, once I've got settled into my job.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
I hope the paragraph of short simple sentences give a sense of my anxiety, otherwise it's probably just irritating. I feel unprepared. I feel like I should have a storyboard, drawings, maps, collages, notes pouring from every orifice. But I have nothing. However, I'm going to create a NaNoWriMo kit. It will have:
- A notebook
- A variety of pens.
- Tic tacs.
- ProPlus
- Music (I'll compiling a mental-in-both-sense-of-the-word list of different music. Feel good music for the happy scenes, some heart wrenching ones and some poignant. I'm feeling 60s at the moment, so there'll be a lot of that on there)
- A shot gun with a single bullet for those desperate moments
- LSD so I can trip the light fantastic (for same moments as above)
- Chocolate.
- Snack a Jacks. As I won't be sleeping much I'll be constantly hungry so need to watch my weight. Snack a Jack never have me coming back for more. Yuck.
- Post-it notes. Shaped like pandas
- Some sort of stress toy. Shaped like a panda.
- A pencil sharpener/post-it shredder, shaped like a panda.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Left Holding the Baby
Next month, two weeks today is November, and November is NaNoWriMo. What's that? It's National Novel Writing Month. The aim is to write a 50,000 word novel between 1st-30th November. It doesn't have to be good, or well written it just has to exist. So I'm preparing for that. I'm going to set up my desk as a NaNoWriMo corner and have a stash of sweets, proplus, notebooks, and my laptop. I'll keep you updated on how I do.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Unfortunately, until my CRB (which I personally think should be said as one sound, like 'crib') check comes through I have to shadow the other LSAs. But they're really good at what they do, so that's not too bad. I did a LADS test (Lucid Adult Dyslexia Screening) today, as that's something that the student's will have to do to see if they have dyslexia. My working memory is okay, with a few problems, but my reasoning ability was pretty much off the scale, in a good way. So my risk for dyslexia was low. This job is really going to be an education, not just because I am working in challenging situations, but also because I have to go into a variety of subjects to take notes and help individuals. I've learnt stages of social development in infants, what makes good communication, and the eight challenges posed by cold environments (relief; climate; unstable ground due to solifluction and active layer; natural hazards; poverty; economic vulnerability; peripherality and low electoral importance). I feel smarter already.
Reading: The Good Terrorist by Doris Lessing (I was meant to read it for university but didn't)
Grateful for: Jam and cheese sandwiches.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
I've been inspired by Today I Saw, which was a blog of note a few days back. I just love the way she chronicles the beautiful things in life. So I'm going to try (and probably fail miserably, like this idea, oh and this one, and how can we forget this?) and write things that I have been grateful for in my blog. So today these are the things I'm grateful for.
Old People
Today, I was walking past a school where construction has been taking place for a while back. It was quite a warm day, and an old man from the house next door had brought a tray of squash over for the builders. His wife was watching in the window. I think that this moment made my day.
I did a prayer thing where we taped prayers to helium balloons and let them go. It worked well. So for that I like helium.
Sweet Chilli Sauce
This save my dinner from being horrible, tasteless and dry to being hot, tangy, moist meal.
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Yellow Mini and Me
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
- If you see a yellow car you call "Yellow Car!"
- If you see a mini you, likewise, call "Mini!"
- If you see a yellow mini you yell "YELLOW MINI!"
One last, mini, mini, mini, YELLOW MINI, mini, mini, mini, mini, mini...
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Look Left, Look Right
I've put in on my other blog, but seeing as it has four posts (the statistics on my dashboard says five, but it lies) theres little point to it yet.
On the Zemanta toolbar thing that gives me pretty pictures and cool links to put in my blog, one of them said 'A young writer with too much to say'. Okay, I take the hint.
Monday, 24 August 2009
So Embarassed

What's a guy gotta do?
Sunday, 23 August 2009
It's been a while, crocodile
Monday I got back and some friends that I haven't seen for ages were visiting. It was so nice to see them, and as usual, it was pretty crazy. The Hampton family brings chaos and destruction wherever they go. Kay, and the Hampton's friend Hanna injected some needed normality into the situation. It was quite a contrast from the quiet and peaceful Dabbs household to come back to them all talking at one another simultaneously.
Tuesday was another reunion with people I hadn't seen for ages. As an old school friend was getting married the old gang from Applemore met up for a meal. I was really, really nice. It was just so much fun. We need to it again, but Mrs Spenler (nee Davies) lives in Germany now.
Skip to Saturday, where Stephen and I met up with Ali. We went to Beaulieu and just chillaxed. Then we went to see Adam, a film about love between a neurologically typical and an Asperger's sufferer. It was okay, a bit light and perhaps didn't treat Aspergers with the grittiness it deserves. However, it was a light, fun portrayal of a syndrome that is not that much known. And Adam (the guy with Asperger's) was just really nice.
Today I went on a short walk with some of the people from my Church and then did some more chillaxing. Now I've updated you and I feel unburdened from the guilt of not valuing my loyal readership and hopefully free from my brother harassing me.
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Unfaithful Blogger
I have a second blog. It's about my youth-work experience. The highs, the lows... the lows. I'm quite excited about it.
My infidelity doesn't stop at writing a second blog. First, some point this week I'm to be a guest blogger on Dreaming of the Country (post already done and dusted, finally). Also, last evening I spent most my time sorting out Rachael's blog. Wow, doesn't it look pretty, who could have sorted out all that?
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Power of prayer
Image via Wikipedia
Another thing I have done is request prayers via facebook. I've done it before, but on Monday I asked about 20 people to send me 3 prayer requests. The response has been encouraging, and this evening I had a list of about 25 things to pray for ('surely it should be a multiple of 3?' you ask. I had other things to pray for too). So that's really good. It's always good when you know that there are people out there praying for you, and it's good to return the favour. Also, whilst some people replied privately, others replied to the thread prompting the people on the list to pray for the others too. This meant that my friends in Germany are now praying for people they've never met in Aberystwyth, for instance. I think that's so cool.
I've got ideas for what I'm going to get people to pray for next week, and I really pray that it encourages others. So, on that note, if you want prayer, don't hesitate to ask.
Thursday, 23 July 2009
New starts
This week I've started a new job. Slightly daunting and sort of slightly frustrating. I am now a part-time youth worker for a Church. However, seeing as its the school holidays, I probably wont get to see the youth very much. At least it will give me time to prepare. I'm also learning all the admin side of things, like the database (using this web-based software 'Fellowship One') and stuff. I just want to get on and do things with the youth. But, patience is a virtue, as they say.
I've been sorting out my stuff, that has arrived from Aberystwyth. Well, when I say 'sorting' I mean looking at it, despairing and then distracting myself by doing something else. I'm off to look, despair and distract.
Friday, 10 July 2009
Aberystwyth, again
So, what is new with me? Not much. I'm sort of in a strange limbo job wise. There is a possible job as a Youth Worker (part-time) in a job in Southampton. I just need to sign the contract, really. So, there we go.
On another note (well, actually, these are all very much related. Except, only I know the link between all these seemingly random nuggets of information)... So, where was I? Ah, yes, on another but linked note, I did an online personality tet. For the most part it was accurate. They highlight some key words to describe the person in question, and I appreciated being called 'pleasant, generous, diplomatic, courteous', but not so much 'emotional, self-promoting, unsure, dependent, conservative'. However, unfortunately. some aspects of it are true. Apparently, I set high-standards for myself, but often judge others by these. Also, it tell me 'in your desire to be viewed as an expert, you may frequently offer knowledge on different topics. This may give the impression that you know a little bit about everything'. That isn't true. A LOT about everything.
Monday, 6 July 2009
So, if you've read this post then...comment. Just say 'hi'. Tell me if you know me, tell me if you don't. I just assume that 3 or 4 people read my blog, but it could be more. So if it is TELL ME! PLEASE! Okay.
And don't worry if you think 'He doesn't care' or whatever. I'm the same. So we are united through the sharing of a liminal experience. We're in communitas. If you didn't get this last paragraph, nor did I. Another thing we have in common.
Childhood Memory Meme
When I was about five I crawled into my mum and dad's bed because I didn't feel well. I remember feeling these stabbing pains in my chest, arms and legs. I told my parents this and I was taken down to the living room. After a while a tall man in a dark coat arrived, took out his stethoscope and soon I found myself in hospital. I had an x-ray and I remember the room quite vividly. I think I had to stand against the wall to have it done and then, in what seems like the space of one slide passing to another, I was in a nurse's office. The nurse asked for my left-hand and took it behind my back. At this age I had a limited knowledge of amputations, possibly after reading about it in my Children's Encyclopedia or watching a TV programme about it. Having my hand removed from where I could see it led me to the only possible conclusion, it was being amputated. However, seconds later, the nurse said 'all done', and my hand was returned to me, just with something sticking into it.
Sleeping in hospital is a strange experience. There was the sounds of the nurses going up and down, children snoring, one crying, but there was the comforting sound of my mum's familiar heavy breathing. Within a few days I was fine and playing with all the other kids along the ward. I remember a motorised toy car that you could sit on, but I think that is just my mind playing tricks on me. My hospital stay was pretty much a happy one. Except for the injections. The needles were stuck into that thing the nurse had painlessly put into my hand. I hated them, I kicked and screamed, and screamed and kicked. The nurses tried to placate me, my mum tried to placate me, but I still struggled. They always won though.
My last memory of the ward was an empty room with beds, a wet floor sign and a lady with a mop. The next slide is that of being home in bed and looking down at my hand. The cotton ball had fallen off and I could see a small hole that the ball was meant to be concealing. That is the first time I had that wave of nausea that I get when someone touches the back of my hands or my wrists.
Friday, 3 July 2009
So, being curious, I wanted to see how close to being a First I actually was. I searched my emails for the student handbook, which we got sent to us at the beginning of the year. Here we got details of how our results were worked out using the cascade calculator system. Basically, our higher marks have a higher weight in determining our grade. I opened Excel, wrote in all the numbers and did all the sums. The result was really gutting. I got 69.5. That's 0.5 marks off of being a First-class student.
I emailed my head of year to see whether there was a procedure for such instances. It sort of makes me suspicious of why they don't put the mark up, just so students don't pester them about borderline degree results.
Monday, 22 June 2009
Curse of Corsica (Final Part)
This was another long walk. It was going to be a 'stroll' (like they all are) towards the river. We did that bit, which was relatively easy. We saw a nice Genovese bridge.
Everyone bar the dads drove to the beach and they decided to walk it. They looked at the map and thought the path looked easy. Unfortunately for them, this path didn't actually exist. Typical Corsica. so we waited ages and then went on a boat ride. Cue pretty photos.
We had a meal, (I had some salad thing I forgot, then wild boar then A creme brulee with Myrtle wine in it).
Went sea kayaking, packed, had the last supper. Whilst we were sea kayaking, Stephen's new-found respect for the sea meant we couldn't go that far our (we were in a double kayak), which was fine with me. It was still nice.
Early start, 4:15 French time (3:15 GMT +1). Three hour drive to Ajaccio, needless to say we were very tired. Had a meal at a pub which was really nice. End of holiday.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
The Merciless Straw Man
Person 1: I think abortion is acceptable
Person 2: Think of all the dying children in Africa and how they don't deserve to die.
Okay, perhaps the least subtle example imaginable, but that is a straw man argument. I was reading a Times Article on Gordon Ramsay's misogynist outburst, and there was a rather ludicrous example of a straw man argument. The basic line of the article was that Ramsay was wrong for saying someone was a porcine lesbian but it was also symptomatic of a common misogynistic trend in all males. However, Patrick from Blackpool helpfully added:
When I left school in 1982 boys were hugely outperforming girls and it was deemed a problem. We then had 25 years of trying to raise their results - but tampering with the system. It was recognised that girls were conscientious with coursework. So coursework now takes priority. Any help for the boys
Thank you, Patrick from Blackpool. You want the TES, I'm afraid, and a question mark. If you were an example of the boys that 'were hugely outperforming girls', well, those girls had problems. I think I now understand why misogyny is still rife.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Image via CrunchBase
If you knew what it does (or meant to do) you'd probably think 'Why had no-one thought of this earlier. This is genius!'. Imagine this scenario, one that I frequently face. You are writing away and you think 'I need something to jazz this post up a bit.' Perhaps an image here, a link there. Then you think, I will have to trawl through Creative Commons sites (such as Wikipedia) to find the content I want. Then go through the hassle of inserting it, or highlighting the word, and copy and pasting the link. No more, my friends. Zemanta does this for you. I finds the stuff you want and then with just one click it inserts it.
That's the idea anyway. So far I've had limited success. First, the images only go on the right side of the text. Second, you can't preview when Zemanta is activated. Third, if you spell check with Zemanta stuff, everything goes crazy. I'm liking the italics today. Then you get scripting errors. And on my last attempt I managed to select and dump just about everything Zemanta had to offer, wanted or not, onto my blog. Some of this may be the fault of blogger. My dedicated readers (how snobby does that sound? Dedicated readers) will know of my love-hate relationship with blogger. Some of the fault may lie at my doorstep. It wasn't Zemanta's fault that I highlighted and dumped everything, it was doing what I told it to do.
So the jury is still out on Zemanta
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Curse of Corsica (part 2)
Tuesday was one of two exceptionally long walks. There is an area of Corsica that is preserved, and can only be accessed by foot or boat (and presumably plane/helicopter in emergencies). So my dad thought it was a good idea to walk to a village in this reserve, and we did. The first part to a beach was fine, but the next bit was difficult. Bear in mind that the weather was HOT, and the terrain was up (at first). This was one of two routes, the one that went up and over the ridge, the other being along the cliffside. So we finally got to the village of Girolata and had paninis. This was the first attack of a rogue tomato.* Tomatoes in paninis are hot and slippery and well, they burn. So Kath was attacked by hers.
On the way back to the car we walked the coastal path owing to less up and down terrain. However, this way was even harder as the path was made of loose rocks and was bordered by a precipitous drop. My mother was wearing sandals, so didn't have the best grip on the terrain so she slipped. I heard a scream and through my mind went a scene like this (not that my mum would ever swing on a vine).
However, she just rolled down the path and emerged caked in dust and with two cuts to her elbow. We went home exhausted and had a barbecue.
As the rest of my family had had their incidents, it was turn for mine. I was somewhat anxious about it as Stephen, Sarah and I were due to go SCUBA diving and I had watched my brother nearly drown earlier in the week. So we went to the SCUBA school (or école plongée), and got changed. I never appreciated how difficult it was to get changed into wetsuits. Still, on reflection, I bet divers were glad when neoprene was invented.
I went into the sea, donned my SCUBA gear and set off diving. The initial bit my ears really hurt as I hadn't quite mastered the equalisation process. We stuck close to the rock and being a beginner I had not quite mastered my decent and accent yet. To stop me plowing straight into the stone edifice of underwater Corsica I had to push of it with my hand, and I put it straight on an urchin. They looked a lot like this, but these are from the Caribbean.
For Thursday to Sunday's adventures, see part 3. They're not quite as exciting, so will be abounding in pretty pictures. Everyone loves pretty pictures.
Monday, 15 June 2009
The Curse of Corsica
Sunday we arrived in Corsica after having got up at 3:15am, for a 6am flight. We left a wet and cold Gatwick and found ourselves in a hot and dry Ajaccio. We got our hire-car and drove for about an hour to a town called Sajone (like Saigon, but with an 'ah' not and 'ay' sound). We had some lunch and then went for a swim. Cue incident number one.
Stephen and I usually do not go out of our depths when in the sea, but this time the sea got deep and then there was a sandbank which caused it to get shallower. I didn't like being so far out so I turned around, and found it hard to get out. It was difficult to get anywhere, but I pushed on and got to the shore. Stephen, despite turning around just after me, was finding it a lot harder. So much so that he had to ask John for help. The waves were getting choppier and they both would disappear under a wave to reappear some seconds later. They were obviously struggling. My mum was getting hysterical, I was praying and we watched them slowly make their way forward. After about ten agonising minutes Stephen slumped onto the beach, completely white, and crawled up to where we had our stuff. It was scary.
We then drove to where we were staying, having to drive through Les Calanques. These are precipitous cliffs that fall into the sea, with huge coaches blocking the winding roads. They were stunning though. We got to our accommodation in a little village called Partinello (or Partinellu in Corse). It was a bit basic, and had no kettle or mugs. We were obviously in France.
This was a quiet day and we went to the nearest big town, Porto. It's a nice little port town with an old Genovese Tower.
That's it for part one...stay tuned for the other two Ashmead incidents, mine involving Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus...
Thursday, 4 June 2009
I'm thinking of doing French A Level this year, as well as getting a job. It's not set in stone, but I'd love to learn it and it'll give me an incentive. I'll have plenty of opportunity to practice. Stephen, my twin, is practically fluent, my dad is really good, and I'm going to Corsica next week.
My laptop is being really slow. I need more virtual memory. So I'll think I'll give the poor thing and myself a rest. Bonne nuit.
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Don't do a Delia
In the last few days I have painted and scrubbed clean our veranda. It looks as good as new. Well, the ancient wisteria that is creeping up it gives the game away.
This is my 96th post, therefore, not my next post, nor the one after that, nor the one after that, BUT the one after that will be my 100th post. That is scary. I hope I have something better to say than my usual drivel.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Boycott or Bust
Why: It's the old Baby Formula story. Nestle promoted their baby-milk products over breast feeding in impoverished countries, resulting in a lot of infant deaths. Every body thinks Nestle has cleared up its act, but it hasn't. It still aggressively markets Baby Formula, resulting in more deaths in babies.
What: Nestle owns, or has shares in, a lot of labels. From the obvious Nescafe, to the less obvious Herta Frankferters. They own lots of bottled water companies, and if they don't Coca-Cola do. Full the full list, see here.
Why: They have an appalling human-rights record. This includes associations with the Nazis, or sponsoring the apartheid government in South Africa. However, this also has not stopped. There are cases of violence against Union workers, especially in Colombia, and has resulted in a dozen or so deaths.
What: This list isn't quite as long as Nestles, but still long. Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Lilt, Dr Pepper, Oasis, Kia-Ora, Schweppes, Five Alive, Minute Maid, Rose's, Poweraid, Relentless, Malvern, glaceau vitamin water.
Today I also sent them an email saying I am boycotting their products. This is perhaps the most important part of the boycott. There is no point in trying your best to avoid these products if the companies don't know you're doing it. They'll just think you've lost interest, or like something else, and try to lure you back with marketing or new products. If you tell them you're boycotting then they may change their ways.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
One of them involved riding on the back of a giant, but I don't remember that one too well. The strangest one was, well, odd. I was at Banana Club and there were hundreds of kids. Hundreds. And they were all running about causing havoc (not unusual), but then my jaw went weird. I couldn't open my mouth and it was excruciatingly painful. I went from the doors in the Castle Rooms (where Banana Club is) too the toilets and ended up in a duty free shop of an airport. I felt myself worrying about my jaw, and the fact I had somehow bipassed all security checks. I was trying to communicate with an ugly manager at the shop (who was destinctly similar to the aforementioned giant), but could only manage 'Humm, mmm mmm mmm.' Then, I reminded myself it was just a dream and told myself to open my mouth. I did and woke up.
If Freud was alive, well, I think even he would struggle with this one.
Monday, 25 May 2009
Procrastination Station
I really want to start a new blog, which focuses on Global issues etc. However, I have yet to think of a name, and I won't start it without a good one. So ideas are welcome.
I need to tidy my room, but I CANNOT BE BOTHERED. If you happen to have contact details for Mary Poppins, the Fairy Godmother or any other such person (or mythological being), please inform me. I expect there's a waiting list though.
Friday, 22 May 2009
Unwell and Apocalyptic Visions
Thursday, 21 May 2009
This is quite a fun website for those who are thing of naming something (i.e. a band, a website or even a drug). The best bit is their naming tools. You can just come up with random things. So here is a little game. I have used the Drug-O-Matic, the Band Name generator and the ACME generator and written down the first generated word. Your job is to give a description of them. (i.e. the drug cures foot odour problems, etc.)
Drug: Renthoco
Band: Folds and Boils
ACME: DirectPrimary
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
One man and his parrot
My mum, brother and I were sitting in a cafe in Monmatre, watching the world go by. We ordered kirs and we got kirs. Huge kirs, a whole wine goblet of kir. So we got slightly tipsy as our family are notorious lightweights. Then a man selling his 'wares' came up to us hoping we would buy something and reduce his poverty. Unfortunately, he was selling a toy parrot and in my tipsy state I found the episode hilarious. I tried to stifle my laughter but on catching Stephen's eye, it became all too much. I just let out a huge snort and the man subsequently left. Probably to drown himself in the Seine.
I did observe, though, his poverty was probably a result of his business acumen, or lack of. Who would try to sell a stuffed toy to a group of adults? Really. Imagine 'here darling, I went to Paris and bought you this: a toy from the French equivalent of the Early Learning Centre. No, no wine or not even a beret, a toy. A stupid, stuffed toy.'
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Umm. Every week for the last year nearly, if not two years or more.
There are so, so many people that I will miss. There are some that I only just started getting to know, there are some that have been such good friends. Okay, less of the gushing. Also, the Church in Oxford emailed to confirm my suspicion. I did not get the job. However, as all the other candidates were really cool, I'm not that disappointed.
Friday, 15 May 2009
Famous Bloggers
Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.
I had a lot of things to write about, but probably won't get a chance. Well, I'll do a quick summary. Tuesday, I had people over for a meal, which was really good fun, and then Becca, Lee, Rachael and I watched Changeling. That was quite good. Wednesday I slept until late, went to the CU photo, did first aid (to use the term loosely, more helped get him to hospital) on someone who crushed their leg in the silly boys' photo. Went to Lord Beechings, then did ChristianAid collecting, walked up two very steep hills, watched Finding Neverland and said goodbye to my friend Sam. Yesterday, met up with Steve, the St Mike's Youth Worker, at 10am for tea and coffee; then met up with Jenny, my longest friend at uni, and had quite an intense chat. Went to Banana Club, where they gave me a book, Why do farts smell like rotten eggs?, as a leaving present. Finally, I went to Le Casablanca and Salt with Rachael. I am exhausted. Luckily I can sleep on trains.
Steve is one of those people that comes out with sagical advice when you don't expect it. He said to me yesterday:
There are two types of people in the world. Those who dig for dirt and those who dig for gold. The media and society tend to dig for dirt and shame people. Those of dig for gold look for the best even in the most difficult of people. And when they find that gold they don't just leave it but they need to polish it up and show the world how beautiful it is.So that struck me quite a bit. Which one am I? I wonder. Which one are you?
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Monday, 11 May 2009
My parents came up this weekend to collect all my belongings. Rachael and I went with said parents to the Tynllidiart Arms in Capel Bangor. It holds the World Record for being the smallest commercial brewery in the world. We ate lots of nice food. Very nice food.
Sunday, my friend Jenny got baptised and confirmed, so that was really nice. She was so nervous, bless her, but it went fine. Also yesterday, Rachael started her own blog.
So I'll just impart some words of advice to Rachael. It will ruin your life. Not really. But you do need to change which timezone you're in. So head over to her blog and say a great big 'HI!'.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Speaking of Jesus, I'm getting really anxious about my job situation. What has that got to do with Jesus? I hear you ask. Well, probably I wont actually hear you because a) you're probably out of earshot and b) you possibly already know about the job interview I had. I applied for a job at a church in Oxford, and I want to know if I've got it. I don't think I have. I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. I'd be cool but I did like the other candidates. They were nice. Okay, less of the random ranting. I have a habit of verbalising my random thought processes, now I've begun to type them.
I'm tired and ill and I have a random ironing board in my room. It is a rubbish ironing board. As a matter of fact, I'm going to save this post as a draft, take a photo of said ironing board and post it up. Because I'm cool like that. Note the fiendish holes in the cover. That was how the board was when we arrived, and I had to iron my shirt on it. What you can't observe is that it also likes to collapse.
Friday, 8 May 2009
Random Website
A mention needs to go to Basically, this website redirects you to a random one. You click on the link and you find yourself in a new and fascinating (well, um, new) part of the web. Be warned, although I haven't had any bad experiences, the potential for them is there. So that's the random website of the day.
World Saving Website
Whenever I go shopping with my mum on a highstreet anywhere she always says, "let's pop into the charity shop." There is one charity shop in particular that I love, and that is Oxfam.
So I'm directing you to their website. Also, if you have twitter, follow them. They give ways of using twitter to let your voice be heard. The website has brilliant resources and is often up-to-date with world issues. So just have a browse.
Please, if you know any good websites, for either category, let me know.
Count Down
In the meantime I have to iron my shirt for tonight, pack up my stuff for when my parents come, tidy the house and the garden, sleep a bit, meet up with various people for pretty much the last time. Possibly shed a tear or two. This last hurdle is going to be the hardest. But I'm quite excited about moving on.
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Nearing the end

So I think I owe people an explanation. First, I'm going to Paris the week after next to help my brother take things back home with him. Second, I have no money. After I've sorted out my rent, I wont actually have that much. Third, I need a job (as a consequence to number two), and I'm hoping that I'll beat all the rest of the students by returning earlier. So they are the reasons why I'm going home so soon. I may return for a few days for the CU leaver's party (especially as I came up with a possible theme).
At the moment I have a cold. Rachael gets annoyed if I call it swine flu. Mind you, she has heard me tell countless people that I have swine flu, so it must be wearing thin by now. Tomorrow is the May Ball.The Zutons are our main lineup, which is really cool. They probably wont cancel like the last two years as it is on their website.
Now I need to reduce the number of words until I've finished my degree.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Scared and sushi
I had sushi for dinner. Nothing fancy, but £4 from Tesco Express. It was a crazy buy for someone who doesn't like fish. Or didn't. I quite liked it, but it was a bit ambitious, so I only ate 1/2 of it. £2 down the drain. I'm having money worried (aren't we all?), and have worked out that by the time I've paid my rent for March, April and May, I'll only have about £100. Eeek.
I walked down to the church I'm being interviewed at to see how far away it was, gaining a lot of interest from cats (I smelt of fish). That scared me a lot. Not the cats, but seeing the church.
Anyway, to prays and Bible-reading.
In Oxford
I'm not at all nervous about my interview at the moment, but I soon will be. I'm going to got out, get some dinner and look like I've been ditched in some cafe, come back, read through/correct/improve/cry about my presentation for tomorrow. The B&B is really nice, it is called Lonsdale Guest House, so if you're ever in Oxford (visiting me after I got the job...a bit presumptuous) it's a good place to stay and with a bus route right to the city centre.
I forgot to bring the girly magazines I bought. But I learnt something new about women's sanitary products. You really don't want to know.
So off to get food...but first Molehill Empire calls. Yes, I am a loser.
Friday, 1 May 2009
Things to do
- Finish my presentation
- Find out my train/bus times
- Call my B&B to tell them what time I'll be arriving tomorrow
- Aquaint myself with St Andrew's Church child protection policy.
- By girly magazines
- Sort out my rent
- Find somewhere where heat-stroke isn't a distinct possibility
- Get off the internet.
I'm in the university computer rooms by my Church at the moment and nearly dying. It is obscenely hot in here. I just met with the wonderful Hannah Nelson to discuss my interview and as usual she gave good advice.
In other news: I burnt my face today. Well, actually, my lunch burnt my face. It was a Wensleydale and BBQ sauce toastie, and the gloop fell out and stuck to my face like napalm. Now I have a red mark on my face. The reasoning behind the odd mix of Wensleydale cheese and BBQ sauce is that I have decided that like without bricks and mortar you don't have a house, without Wensleydale and cranberries you don't have a pleasant culinary experience. So to get rid of the offending cheese I smothered it in BBQ sauce and put it in a toastie. Just so you know it was Rose's idea. So I blame her. A rather dubious example to go in the 'recipes' tag collection. But aren't all of them?
Also, while writing this a girl asked me to help her to photocopy something. Bless her. Now to do number 8 on my list.
Friday, 24 April 2009
Marble Madness
My dissertation, to bring the tone down, is so nearly done, and I could be finishing it instead of writing this. However, I chose to write how I could be finishing instead of doing so. I am that dedicated to my loyal readers. Really. It has nothing to do with boredom.
Yesterday was nice, I spent it in the company of really awesome people, and we played in the park and had pizza. Before that though, I helped at Banana Club and the kids were crazy. They would not behave.
Random Website
This one was suggested by my brother, so he deserves a link. Just a point, when I put links in I hope you look at them. Anyway, the site is Land of Marbles. Everything you want to know about marbles. Especially gripping is the 1,000 Marbles story. Apparently one of the most touching stories you will ever read. It is a bizarre Memento Mori/Nunc est bidendum mix involving 1000 marbles. Read the story now before I say the next bit, as it is a bit of a spoiler warning. It says it makes a great gift when accompanied by a lot of marbles. If I got that for my birthday, well, it definitely wont lighten the mood. 'Here are some marbles and each one is for every week you'll live. Enjoy.' Imagine if they only gave you six of them or something? 'Gee, er, thanks?'
Thursday, 23 April 2009
I hate bin days.
At 10:05 (ish) I panicked realising that there was a huge pile of full bin bags by the back door that needed going out so I rushed out in bear feet, getting garbage juice all over them and flung them out (well, actually placed them outside) the garden gate. Smug with my ability to be organised and actually remember, a) what day of the week it was, and b) what day bin day was, and c) put them together, I sat down at the dining table to do dissertation.
Only when I heard the beeping noise and the sound of 'Please stand clear. Vehicle reversing. Please stand clear. Vehicle reversing. Please...' did I think to look in the kitchen bin. It was full. Crammed full. So I took the bag out of the bin, and as it was cheap Simply Value ones it was tearing! But I got it struggled, succeeded and tied it up. I can make it! I thought. I ran out the back door. The rubbish truck was only outside the gate. I can do this! I got to the gate. I fumbled on the combination padlock to get it open. I fumbled some more. I'm nearly there. Oh no, I knock the second number out alignment! Okay, problem solved. Why isn't the padlock opening? Oh the first number is out now! Come on! I open the gate. I was too late, the rubbish truck was already half-way up the road. I wasn't going to run up the back alley, barefoot, sprayed in refuge juice, screaming 'STOP! TAKE MY RUBBISH! PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF HYGIENE, TAKE IT!'. I have some dignity. So I closed the gate and slunk back to the muted noise of 'Please stand back, Vehicle reversing'.
Random Site
I am the type of person that is always on the look out for new friends, and I like to think I accept them from all backgrounds and in all shapes and sizes. I am the type of guy that will talk to anyone. Before you think this is a reckless forum or dating site it is not. It is a site where you can talk to Alice or The Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity. That name was obviously made up to fit the acronym. It is quite reassuring as it shows that Artificial Intelligence is quite a long way off, really. There is another one called Godbot, which I would reject due to blasphemy and I was sorely disappointed when it didn't answer my question about preservation of the Saints vs continued grace by continued faith. A talk with Alice is very funny, but bear in mind, she cannot answer yes or no.
If you have suggestions please send them my way! And I shall leave you with an extract of one of my conversations with ALICE.
ALICE: ...Where are you now?
Human: Aberystwyth in Wales
ALICE: I have no idea where that is. Tell me a little about your life in Aberystwyth in Wales.
Human: Aberystwyth is a small town by the sea.
ALICE: When is Aberystwyth not a small town by the sea?
Human: Never.
ALICE: So do you think it could ever happen?
Human: It could happen if Aberystwyth grows large enough to be a city but that is unlikely.
ALICE: It could happen to everyone eventually.
Human: No it couldn't.
ALICE: Are you serious? Under what circumstances?
Human: It is a logical impossibility.
ALICE: Aberystwyth is a logical impossibility. I suppose that makes sense.
Human: Yes, it does.
Also, ask her about her faith!
Monday, 20 April 2009
This is getting serious
Random Site
Ian's Shoelace Site. This is a site dedicated to, yes, shoelaces. Not just the types of shoelace, no. But ways you can tie them, lace them, decorate them, etc. Did you know that for all these years you could have been tying you laces incorrectly? Well, Ian tells you why. Now remember:
Makes sense now
Trend Setter
I have been investing a lot of time (usually at the dead of night) into improving my blog. This has included adding tags and such. At the moment I'm setting up mobile blogging. That means I can blog on the move (as well as twitter on the move). Well, I have to use my new shiny phone appropriately. But its taking ages.
I am insanely bored doing my dissertation at the moment. I'm hoping to get to 7000 words by tonight.
News on the coffee front. I've discovered a new and exciting way to have your coffee. Okay, it isn't probably that new. Instead of putting sugar in it, try putting honey in, instead. Does that merit a 'recipes' tag? Why not, eh?