Talking of knocking yourself out, I had quite a close call today. Rose and I went to explore the shore line under Constitution Hill, with the cave I went to last Sunday. The rocks, being slate, do not provide the best friction, and I tried to cross a particularly slippery bit. Also, due to the general tectonic activity the slabs of slate are all at an angle. I slipped, fell on to all fours and the struck my head against another slab of slate. Oh the blood, oh the gore. No, there was no wound, unfortunately; making this tale rather dull. But Rose found a propeller, and we saw some anemones in the rock pools. So it was all good decent fun, despite slipping over a total of three times. We saw a mother with her young daughter who was doing better than me.
Recipe time! Tonight I cooked a vegetable stir-fry which was quite nice. It contained spring onions; snap peas; green pepper; mushrooms; and carrots which I shredded with a potato peeler. I added some soy sauce and about half a teaspoon of ginger. It was quite nice, but I cooked it too long (mainly because Rose was on the phone to her mum so I had to wait to dish up).
I went to Oxfam again. I have inherited a love of charity shops from my mother. Every time we pass one we have to 'just pop in'. But I'm always amazed at the things they stock. They have notepads made from elephant dung. Elephant dung! Sorry, that was a random aside. You'd think they're paying me or something. Only nominal expenses.
Recently I've been trying to recycle better, and I saw this video on facebook. Well, I found it funny.